Reference List Format:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s).
For Example:
Bernard, G. W. 2016. “Henry VIII: ‘Catholicism without the Pope?’” History 101, no. 345 (April): 201-21.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Bernard 2016, 210)
Reference List Format:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s). DOI/Stable URL/Database.
For Example:
Bernard, G. W. 2016. “Henry VIII: ‘Catholicism without the Pope?’” History 101, no. 345 (April): 201-21.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Bernard 2016, 210)
Reference List Format:
4. AuthorFirstNameA AuthorLastNameA and AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s).
5. AuthorFirstNameA AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB, and AuthorFirstNameC AuthorLastNameC. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s).
For Example:
Moura, Mario Graca and Antonio Almodovar. 2016. “Political Economy and the ‘Modern View’ as Reflected in the History of Economic Thought.” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 23, no. 1 (February): 59-81.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Moura and Almodovar 2016, 60)
Reference List Format:
AuthorFirstNameA AuthorLastNameA and AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s). DOI/Stable URL/Database.
AuthorFirstNameA AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB, and AuthorFirstNameC AuthorLastNameC. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s). DOI/Stable URL/Database.
For Example:
Moura, Mario Graca and Antonio Almodovar. 2016. “Political Economy and the ‘Modern View’ as Reflected in the History of Economic Thought.” European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 23, no. 1 (February): 59-81.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Moura and Almodovar 2016, 60)
Reference List Format:
AuthorFirstNameA AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB, AuthorFirstNameC AuthorLastNameC, AuthorFirstNameD AuthorLastNameD, and AuthorFirstNameE AuthorLastNameE. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s).
For Example:
Godwin, Jeffrey L, Jeffrey D. Houghton, Christopher Neck, and Eric C. Mohan. 2011. “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech a s a Tool for Teaching Transformational Leadership and Vision.” Journal of Organizational Behavior Education 4: 23-41.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Godwin et al. 2011, 24)
See note ¹
Reference List Format:
AuthorFirstNameA AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB, AuthorFirstNameC AuthorLastNameC, AuthorFirstNameD AuthorLastNameD, and AuthorFirstNameE AuthorLastNameE. Year. “Title of Article.” Title of Journal vol#, no. # (Date): page(s). DOI/StableURL.
For Example:
Godwin, Jeffrey L, Jeffrey D. Houghton, Christopher Neck, and Eric C. Mohan. 2011. “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech as a Tool for Teaching Transformational Leadership and Vision.” Journal of Organizational Behavior Education 4: 23-41.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Godwin et al. 2011, 24)
¹ This reference does not have a date beyond the year because the citation did not include any other information (such as Spring or April). It also doesn't have an issue number. See 15.48: Colon with volume number for more information.