Reference List Format:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. Year. Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher.
For Example:
Tomblin, Barbara Brooks. 2016. The Civil War on the Mississippi: Union Sailors, Gunboat Captains, and the Campaign to Control the River. Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Tomblin 2016, 120-35)
See note ¹
Reference List Format:
AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameA, and AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB. Year. Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher.
AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameA, AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB, and AuthorFirstNameC AuthorLastNameC. Year. Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher.
For Example:
Dooley, John, and Robert Emmett Curran. 2012. John Dooley's Civil War: An Irish American's Journey in the First Virginia Infantry Regiment. Knoxville: Univ Tennessee Press.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Dooley and Curran 2012, 45).
Reference List Format:
AuthorLastNameA, AuthorFirstNameA, AuthorFirstNameB AuthorLastNameB, AuthorFirstNameC AuthorLastNameC, AuthorFirstNameD AuthorLastNameD. Year. Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher.
For Example:
Folsom, George, Virginia Smith, Thomas Pepe, and Linda Bursns. 2017. History of Libraries. Manchester, NH: Shapiro Library Press.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Folsom et al. 2017, 92-3)
Reference List Format:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. Year. "Title of Chapter." In Title of Work, edited by EditorFirstName EditorLastName, pages. Place of Publication: Publisher.
For Example:
Qullliam, Neil. 2016. “Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Oil.” In Saudi Arabian Foreign Policy: Conflict and Cooperation, edited by Neil Partrick, 30-51. London: I.B.Tauris.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Qullliam 2016, 32)
Reference List Format:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. Year. Title of Work. Place of Publication: Publisher. URL or Database Name.
For Example:
Lack, Caleb W., and Jacques Rousseau. 2016. Critical Thinking, Science, and Pseudoscience: Why We Can't Trust Our Brains. New York: Springer Publishing Company. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Corresponding In-Text Citation:
(Lack and Rousseau 2016, 54)
¹ For more information on special circumstances please see 15.30: Multiple text references, 15.34: Author-date format for anonymous works (no listed author), 15.36: Editor in place of author in text citations, 15.40: Reprint editions and modern editions—more than one date, 15.41: Multivolume works published over more than one year, 15.44: No date of publication in author-date references,