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ENG101 English: Plagiarism

An overview of the English course at the Institute of Technology.


How to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism is using the words of another person and claiming that they are your own. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional copying, and both types can come with consequences that can result in failing a class or academic probation, depending on the circumstance and the type of plagiarism. How can you avoid plagiarism?

1. Use multiple sources. When you read only one source, it's easy to get the words from the article, book, etc. stuck in your head, and this can result in accidental plagiarism as you write words in your essay that you mistakenly think are your own. Multiple sources are helpful because they provide a variety of different wordings and keep your brain from latching onto certain phrases.

2. Write your paper the day after you read your sources to avoid unintentional plagiarism. 

3. Use your own words. Changing out the original author's words with synonyms, shifting parts of the sentence around, and rewriting what the author said is not creating your own work. It is plagiarism. 

4. Cite your sources. Including the entirety of someone else's words without listing their name, the date the piece was written, and the name of the piece is plagiarism because the author does not receive full credit for their work. Including only quotations without author name, date, and the name of the piece is never okay. Please view the MLA, APA, and Chicago Style guides for information on how to properly cite sources.  

5. If you are unsure if your words are your own idea or someone else's, include a citation. It's always better to be safe than sorry. You can also ask your instructor for further clarification. 

6. Never resubmit old work that you turned in for a previous class. This is considered self-plagiarism. 

7. Purchasing a paper off the internet or copying a free one is plagiarism. Copying sentences from various sources to piece together in your paper is also plagiarism.  

8. Citing some - but not all - of your sources is plagiarism. 

9. If something is common knowledge (or you knew it before you started researching), it does not need to be cited. Anything that is not common knowledge must be cited. 

LRC Coordinator

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Laura Haberstich

564 West Herndon Avenue
Clovis, CA 93612
Subjects: Consciousness; Cognition, Exercise Therapy, Infant Psychology, Tutorials & Database Guides, Academic Integrity, Acupuncture, Administrative Office Professional AOP, Adolescence Psychology, Adulthood, Aesthetics, Afghan War, 2001-, African/Black Studies, Ageism, AI (Artifical Intelligence), Air Conditioning A/C, Alabama, Alaska, Algae Culture, Algebra, Allied Health Personnel, Alternative and Holistic Medicine, American Literature, Anarchism, Andorra, Animal Culture, Animal Experimentation, Anthropology, Applied Psychology, Aquaculture & Fisheries, Arab Studies, Archaeology & Ancient History, Architecture & Construction Engineering, Archives and Special Collections, Arizona, Arkansas, Armenia, Art & Art History, Art Therapy, Arts & Crafts, Ashkenazi Jews (Ashkenazim), Asia Studies, Astrology, Atlases, Atomic Physics, Audio Recordings, Australia, Austria & Austro-Hungarian Empire, Authorship, Automotive Technology & Metals, Baking and Patisserie, Balkan Peninsula, Balneology (Baths), Barbering, Basic Biological and Medical Research, Beauty & Fashion, Behaviorism (Psychology), Belgium, Bibliography, Biography, Biology, Botany, British America, Buddhism, Building Construction, Business & Finance, Business Ethics & Business Etiquette, Calculators, Calculus, Calendars & Technical Chronology, Canis; Canidae, Capital Punishment, Careers & Employment Skills Training, Chad (Tchad), Chakra (Hinduism), Chemical Industries, Chemical Technology, Chemistry, Chicano/Latino Studies, Child Development, Child Psychology, Child, Youth & Family Studies, China, Chiropractic, Chondrichthyes, Chordates. Vertebrates , Christian Denominations, Christianity, Civil Rights/Human Rights, Civil War Period, 1861-1865, Clinical Endocrinology, Clinical Medicine, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Simulations, Cloud Computing (Web Services), Collections of General Literature, Colonial History (1607-1775), Colorado, Comedy, Commerce, Communication/Speech, Communism, Computer Science, Computer Simulation (Virtual Reality), Confectionery Industries, Conflict Resolution, Connecticut, Construction Industry, Consumer News and Advice, Contemporary Issues, Cooking, Correctional Institutions, Corrections, Cosmetology, Cosmology, Country Profiles, Crime, Criminal Investigations, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Crisis Intervention (Mental Health Services), Cryptogams, Curiosities & Wonders, Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic), Data & Statistics, Delaware, Denmark, Dental, Dentistry, Dermatology, Developmental Psychology, Difference (Psychology), Disabilities and Genetic Issues, Discovery of America and Early Explorations, Disease (Communicable and Noninfectious) and Public Health, Diseases of the Blood and Blood-forming Organs, Diseases of the Breast, Diseases of the Circulatory (Cardiovascular) System, Diseases of the Connective Tissues, Diseases of the Digestive System; Gastroenterology, Diseases of the Genitourinary System. Urology, Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System, Diseases of the Respiratory System, District of Columbia. Washington, Drug Abuse; Drug Habits, Early Nineteenth Century, 1801/1809-1845, Eating Disorders, eBooks, Economics, Education, Education Sciences, Educational Sociology, Egypt, EI Emotional Intelligence (EQ Emotional Quotient), Electrical Engineering, Electricity and Magnetism, Emergency Management, Emigration & Immigration, Emotions, Employment Interviewing, Energy Industries, Energy Medicine and Healing, Engineering, English & Composition, English Literature, Epistemology (Theory of Knowledge) , Evidence-based Medicine, Example, Experimental Psychology, Fermentation Industries, Field Crops, Finland, Florida, Folklore, Food Science & Nutrition, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Sciences, France, General Education, General/Multidisciplinary, Genetics, Georgia, Geriatrics, Germany, Great Britain, Great Depression, 1929-1939, Great Lakes Region, Great Plains, Greco-Roman World, Greece, Gulf States, Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hallucinations, Hawaii, Health Facilities, Health Information Technology, Heating and Ventilation, Higher Education, Hinduism, History, History & Criticism, History of Civilization, Holiday Cooking, Horses, Human Anatomy, Human Ecology and Anthroppogeography, Human Embryology, Hungary, Hunting Sports, HVAC Industry, Hydrotherapy, Hypnotism, Iceland, Idaho, Illinois, Inclusive Education, Indiana, Indonesia (Dutch East Indies), Industries, Information Literacy, Inscriptions & Epigraphy, Insects, Internal Medicine, International Relations, Invertebrates, Iow, Iraq (Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia), Iraq War, 2003-2011, Italy, Japan, Journalism & Media, Judaic Studies, Kansas, Kentucky, Kinesiology, Korean War, 1950-1953, Labor, Ladino Language and Literature, Land Use, Late Nineteenth Century, 1865-1900, Later Twentieth Century, 1961-2000, Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Learning Strategies, Lebanon (Phenicia), Legal Medicine, LGBTQIA+, Library Resources, Library Science, Library Services, Literature & Language, Logic, Louisiana, Lower Mississippi Valley, Luxembourg, Maine, Malta (Maltese Islands), Mammals, Management, Manicuring, Manners and Customs, Manual Therapy, Maps, Mardi Gras (Carnival), Maryland, Massachusetts, Massage Therapy, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering and Machinery, Medical Billing and Coding, Medical Billing and Office Administration (MBOA), Medical Ethics, Medical Informatics, Medical Jurisprudence, Medical Offices, Medical Records Management, Medicine, Meditation, Mental Diseases & Disorders, Metaphysics, Mexico, Michigan, Microbiology, Middle Atlantic States, Middle Nineteenth Century, 1845/1848-1861, Military Administration, Mind and Body, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Missouri River and Valley, Mobile Apps, Monaco, Montana, Museums, Mythology, National Physical Therapy Examination PTAExam, Naval Science, Nebraska, Nervous System, Netherlands (Holland), Neuromuscular Rehabilitation, Neurophysiology & Neuropsychology, Neuroses, Nevada, New England, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New Southwest, New York, New Zealand, News & Current Events, Newspapers, North American Studies, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northern Europe; Scandinavia, Norway, Numismatics, Nursing, Occult Sciences, Occupational Therapy, Oceania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Old Northwest Territory, Oncology, Online Learning, Oregon, Organizational Psychology, Orthopedics, Other Systems of Medicine, Pacific Islands Studies, Pacific States, Paleography, Paleozoology, Palliative Treatment, Parapsychology, Pathology, Patient Care & Management, Pediatrics, Pennsylvania, Persian Gulf War, 1991, Personal Health and Hygiene, Personality Disorders., Pharmaceutical Industry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Technician, Philology & Linguistics, Philosophy, Phlebotomy, Phototherapy, Physical Anthropology; Somatology, Physical Education & Sport Science, Physical Geography, Physical Therapist Assistant PTA, Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy Ethics, Physics, Physiognomy and Phrenology , Physiology, Plumbing and Pipefitting, Podiatry, Poetry, Poland, Police, Polish Studies, Political Theory, Portugal, Professional Development, Professional Ethics, Professional Medical Assistant, Programmed Instruction, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychology of Sex; Sexual Behavior, Psychoses, Psychotherapy, Public Institutions, Public Relations, Radiology, Refrigeration and Refrigerating Machinery, Regional and Area Studies, Rehabilitation Therapy, Reiki (Healing System), Religion, Research & Writing, Revolution to the Civil War, 1775/1783-1861, Rhode Island, Rocky Mountains, Russia (Soviet Union); Soviet Republics, Scientific Apparatus and Instruments, Seals, Self-realization, Sephardi Jews (Sephardim), Shamanism, Shellfish Fisheries; Shellfish Culture, Slavery and Antislavery Movements, Sleep, Slovakia, Social and Public Welfare, Social Aspects of Education, Social Classes, Social Influence (Social Pressure), Social Media, Social Pathology, Social Psychology, Social Sciences, Socialism, Sociology, South Atlantic States, South Carolina, South Dakota, Spain, Special Situations and Conditions, Specialties of Internal Medicine, Speculative Philosophy, Spiritualism, Sports, Suicide, Surgery, Sweden, Switzerland, Technology, Tennessee, Terminology, Texas, Theology, Theory and Practice of Education, Therapeutics, Transportation & Communications, Trauma, Trigonometry, True Crime, Twentieth Century, Twenty-First Century, Types of Education, United States, Urban Sociology, Utah, Utopias; The Ideal State, Vegetables, Vermont, Veterans, Victimology, Vietnam War, 1961-1975, Virginia, War of 1898 (Spanish-American War), Washington State, Welding, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Witchcraft, World History, World War I (1914-1918), World War II (1939-1945), Wyoming, Zen Buddhism