The Library's Books are shelved according to the Library of Congress' classification system.
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The Library of Congress classification for Hematology is Subclass R (Medicine) Section C (Hematology) & Section B (Pathology). Pharmacology is Subclass R (Medicine) Section M (Pharmacology).
RB 1-214 Pathology
RC 633 Hematology
RM 1-950 Pharmacology
138 Drug prescribing
139 Prescription writing
146-146.7 Misuse of therapeutic drugs. Medication errors
147-180 Administration of drugs and other therapeutic agents
182-190 Other therapeutic procedures Including acupuncture, pneumatic aspiration, spinal puncture, pericardial puncture
214-258 Diet therapy. Dietary cookbooks
259 Vitamin therapy
260-263 Chemotherapy
265-267 Antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics
270-282 Immunotherapy. Serotherapy
283-298 Endocrinotherapy. Organotherapy
300-666 Drugs and their actions
671-671.5 Nonprescription drugs. Patent medicines
695-893 Physical medicine. Physical therapy Including massage, exercise, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, phototherapy, radiotherapy, thermotherapy, electrotherapy
930-931 Rehabilitation therapy
950 Rehabilitation technology
Reading LC Call Numbers
RM 125