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MLA Style

This guide is intended to help you cite sources in MLA style, avoid plagiarism, learn what MLA style is and includes, find examples of MLA style, lead you to campus resources that can help you cite sources in MLA, and more.

Newspaper Articles

Print Newspaper Article

General Format:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper, Date, pp. #-#.


AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. “Title of Article.” Title of Newspaper, Date, p. #.

For Example:

O'Sullivan, Jim. "City Council Poised to Add More Women." Boston Globe, 08 Nov. 2017, pp. B1+.

See notes ¹, ²


Electronic Newspaper Article

General Format:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper, Date, edition, p. #, Database, URL (without the http://).

For Example:

​Stancarti, Magherita and Summer Said. "Saudi Arrests Rein in the Elite." Wall Street Journal, 06 November 2017, Eastern edition, p.A1, ABI/Inform Collection,


Online Newspaper Article

General Format:

AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName. "Title of Article." Title of Newspaper, Date, URL (without the http://).

For Example:

Filipov, David. "Russia carefully marks 100th anniversary of Great October Revolution." Washington Post, 6 November 2017,

See note ³


¹ If the title of the newspaper doesn't include the city name include the city's name in brackets (e.g. The Union Leader [Manchester]) after the newspaper title. See page 111 of the MLA Handbook for more information. 

² If the page numbers are not consecutive only include the first page number followed by a plus sign (e.g. pp. A2+).

³ If a source is only one page, use p. instead of pp. See page 46 of the MLA Handbook 8th edition for more information.