Algebra for College Students by Robert F. BlitzerCall Number: QA 154.3 .B583 2009
ISBN: 0136019749
Publication Date: 2008-03-13
KEY MESSAGE: The Blitzer Algebra Series combines mathematical accuracy with an engaging, friendly, and often fun presentation for maximum student appeal. Blitzer's personality shows in his writing, as he draws students into the material through relevant and thought-provoking applications. Every Blitzer page is interesting and relevant, ensuring that students will actually use their textbook to achieve success! KEY TOPICS: Algebra, Mathematical Models, and Problem Solving; Functions and Linear Functions; Systems of Linear Equations; Inequalities and Problem Solving; Polynomials, Polynomial Functions, and Factoring; Rational Expressions, Functions, and Equations; Radicals, Radical Functions, and Rational Exponents; Quadratic Equations and Functions; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Conic Sections and Systems of Nonlinear Equations; More on Polynomial and Rational Functions; Sequences, Induction, and Probability MARKET: for all readers interested in algebra.